The Demon King in the Back Row #09 — Suddenly… NINJAS!

May 28th, 2010




Mostly a fairly decent episode with copious amounts of Junko blushing and fidgeting, but as usual, the writers hit the barrel of moonshine at some point and then popped off to the pub to let the chimps finish the script. There were still some decent parts in the second half, like Kena’s poignant little birthday celebration by herself in the dark (Sai, you ass), and Sai regrowing his arm because he’s too lazy to try to dodge an attack, but the more alcohol you have in you going into the second half of this episode, the better, particularly when Fujiko shows up in the middle of the dramatic cliffhanger with an army of monsters paid in her panties. I can barely even remember when she wasn’t a total joke.

There was a whole bunch of plot dump, but very little of it was anything past "Generic RPG Cliches 101." Somebody’s evil, must die. Protect the wimminfolk, etc etc. I did find it amusing that they drew up three different antagonists and then killed them all moments later, but couldn’t spare the same kind of detail for the army of ninjas. Eiko was also not her usual amusing self this week and instead decided to just be a pissy little whiny brat over Hattori. Having Hiroshi’s woman probably-a-woman turn out to be Junko’s sister and a bored cosplaying ninja infected with evil goo was also… well… a symptom of the the many writing problems with this show mad chimp fever.

Posted in Demon King | 16 Comments »

16 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • sage says:

    Mad chimp fever can save lives.

  • Anon999 says:

    I can see the future… This anime will never get another season as far as the fans are concerned.

  • Vegetarian4Life says:

    Looks like Junko is out. Sai Akuto will probably end up with Keena in the end!

  • Nanaya says:

    Anyone else notice that he’s getting more and more demon king-ish with each episode? I mean, by this one he’s smiling at things that would have put him on righteous monologues in the first ep. Wonder if the series will end with him taking over the world… yay slippery slope!

    • Twi says:

      Their god is ordering assassinations,
      I’m seeing the demon lord as a good thing at the moment.
      But yeah, he’s almost completely demon lord material now. All we need are the dead civilians or Keena dying and we’re good on the evil part.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think they’ve been pressing a lot on the fact that his being a demon lord doesn’t make him pure evil, but that he doesn’t give a damn about the current society.

      But then, yeah, gods assassinating his harem would dissuade him from being a priest and put him more on the path of “Screw you, Suhara!” making him a demon lord.

    • Dude says:

      But if you think about it. If the current world is stupid and full of fail, then having a Demon Lord destroy it would be better yeah?

      Then it means labels like Demon Lord are just convinient for whoever is incharge at the moment.

  • Anise Punter says:

    The last ten minutes were the best ten minutes in about a month; I approve.

  • The victors write the history books. The last demon lord seems to have been trying to revolt against the gods. He lost, and the gods then created a myth about him as being evil, nasty, mean, no good, and so on.

    And they’ve been trying to do the same about Akuto. Those who are close to him know he’s not like that, but he IS another revolutionary.

    • Greg says:

      I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case. I’ve had similar thoughts along the same line since some episodes back.

  • MisaoFan says:

    Junko is kidnapped !?

  • Gin says:

    Know the Chaos alignment in the Megami Tensei games? That’s pretty much how Sai Akuto is going to end up.

  • Yue says:

    These are those moments where you laugh one moment, then jaw-drop in another, then hate Akuto for his guts, then love him for his MANERGY, and then cry out blood why this show resorts to cliffhangers.

    [timetravels to next week]

    Blue~haired girl for WIN! ^_^

  • MisaoFan says:

    I’d like to know if Junko Hattori is kidnapped or not ?

  • Anonymous says:

    I’d care a lot more about Red’s pity party if she’d told Akuto when it was instead of trying to extort him into staying with her.

  • Jack Damn says:

    Ah…this episode was terrible. Come on…slip Junko the meat for God’s sake. It’s rather obvious from the OP that Keena can’t have children, so stop it with her.

    My prediction: this show will have the most rushed ending ever.