When the Seagulls Cry #24 — Cross Counter
December 9th, 2009
Battler x Hatrack 4 lyfe, yo.
This feels like a weird episode to talk about. Aside from pretty much the entire rest of the island dying, there really wasn’t a ton going on. Death and violence always amuse me though, so it was pretty fun. That said, all of the deaths are easily explained by "some guy has a gun." No closed door mysteries, or anything particularly unusual, except for perhaps Jessica’s call from beyond the grave. You’ve got to love Jess and George taking each other out though, even if it was a bit overly showy. That’s why we love the demons though. Well, that and their costumes.
As for the rest, it was mostly just Beatrice getting increasingly pissy about Battler’s past, which he doesn’t remember. Beatrice also demonstrated the red text being inviolate by having Battler try to claim that Asumu was his mother, which didn’t work out so well for him. It again makes me think of the relative uselessness of the blue text. So long as Battler can stomach a little crippling agonizing pain, he can just theorycraft with the red text and save himself the trouble of Beatrice using it to create a misleading truth to undercut his blue text. Not that he’s actually used it at all since it’s been introduced. Way to prioritize, Battler. Okay, I’ll stop making fun of stupid Battler now.
Although… I couldn’t help thinking how attached he’s gotten to that hatrack.
Posted in Umineko | 17 Comments »
Hmm. is it me or was Battler trying to say “Ushiromiya Asumu”?