Tales of Patch and Penguin Delays

October 10th, 2008

Busy busy busy…

Firstly, since its release about a week ago, Battle Moon Wars 4’s full version has had I think 5 official patches, the fourth of which introduced a bug that would crash the game when any character moved over certain squares. At the moment, it looks like you just can’t beat the game anymore (and thereby unlock the New Game+ and Character/Music archives). Consequentially, I’m delaying putting out a patch with the work to date until they manage to get all their crap together and release something that actually works. I joked that there’d be a few game breaking bugs, but I hadn’t expected it to be quite this much of a disaster a week after the game was out.

Second, my thumbnailer was acting weird, so some screen shots for the last couple days got shrunk when they weren’t supposed to. Sorry about that.

Third, I’m out of town pretty much all day today (Friday) and not expecting to be back until probably nine or ten at the earliest. Penguin Girl may or may not get pushed back until Saturday morning depending on how exhausted I am when I get home. Have some melons Abyss to occupy yourselves in the interim.


Posted in Fanservice | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Chimasternmay says:

    Nice collection