C74 — Sukumi Impressions; “Select Your Wife”

August 21st, 2008

Still alive, and back to sorting through the C74 haul. This isn’t really all that notable aside from the immensely bewildering directive when you begin the game to "Select Your Wife." They mean "Select Your Character," but it doesn’t matter because you have all the control and depth perception of a three-legged drunk oxen on ice… and there’s a giant spinning turtle that hunts you down, which means that most games will end within about 30 seconds anyway. How on earth did they get to "Select Your Wife" though?

Posted in Doujin | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Kresnik says:

    I sense heavy contamination of Engrish Plague. lol

    Despite the ridiculous nature of what I see, it seems to be quite difficult reflecting those stray bullets.

    Please keep reviewing C74 stuffs.

  • AGear2Ax says:

    What a weird game!!! And that turtle is unbeatable or what? The only good thing is that we can select our wife lol.

  • Aroduc says:

    Nah. The way it works is that the shots that you hit with your little bubbles turn into bullets that home towards the enemy, so you essentially have to graze their shots to do damage to them… which is where the terrible controls come into play.

  • Hirvine says:

    That game is certainly a cool game. Very creative, I really need to play it once. Well, I like the back shooting part, it’s a total different way of strategy how to attack.