Punch Line #02 — You Liked the Joke So Much the First Time

April 16th, 2015


So here it is again.


Well, the exposition trailed off a bit, but they didn’t put anything in its place, and the superhero thing that they played at for the start of last week? As absent as a creative thought in a Kyoto Animation show. But you know what you do get? That cat sex joke again. I don’t understand why Japan keeps pulling this kind of crap. Make some kind of crazy, wacky setting, and then punt all of it to make yet another club of girls being insecure and learning that their friends are friends so they can clutch their hands to their chests, and blush and/or gasp in emotion. No, changing “apartment” for “club” doesn’t fool anybody.

I’m not even really sure what they were trying to do with this episode. The first half was mostly focused on Green Hair McCleavage grousing. The second half was focused on the shut-in girl hiding that she has a pet. But it’s a bear cub. Isn’t that so wacky!? And she panicked when she tried to hide it! Hi-larious! And then they had to sit around and explain why things were so important and all the familial relations. Emotional! And then they went back to Grousy, who just spontaneously decided to feel better. Uh, reaffirmingy? I need a drink.

Posted in Punch Line | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Sanjuro says:

    Drinking isn’t the answer!

  • Germanguy says:

    Yeah, Episode 2 is a lot to passive compared to the first one. But o well, there is still Episode 3

  • kenuran says:

    God i hate that fucking exposition/game tutorial cat.