Karneval #02 — Revenge of the Robosheep

April 10th, 2013


Freakish moogle knockoffs.

Blame Japan for why this is late. They’re slow.


So… The magic people have a magic blimp filled with robot sheep, and together, they hunt monsters and throw festivals. Why do I get the impression that not a whole lot of thought went into this setting? This episode was a lot less eventful than the first one. That does mean that there wasn’t as much mystifyingly poor direction, but I’m not going to be celebrating a big fat nothing either. In fact, the lion’s share of the episode was just dull. I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again. A little goddamned actual episodic structure would do a world of good to at least give episodes some internal cohesion. That doesn’t preclude an overarching story either, you know. It picked up a little bit towards the end, but the already not stellar animation took a big hit and the entirety of the ‘fight’ against the monsters was them pushing Useless Macguffin out of the way to be snared one after another by the ridiculous eye-net-things.

Sigh. Oh, Wednesdays… And the entire start of the week… What am I going to do with you this season?

Posted in Karneval | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Haxer says:

    Uta prince-sama is best anyway.

  • Ashlotte says:

    What the hell WAS up with that fight anyway? She hits a single rock at them and they run off? Wha…?

  • The Deviant says:

    What’s With these Male characters and the same hair style?!