Mitsudomoe #07 — The Love That Transcends Decency

August 13th, 2010


I’m trying not to read too much into Deep Milk’s shirt.


A pretty solid episode all around, but they did lean entirely too hard on misunderstandings to drive the humor this week and it got a little stupid at times. Of particular note was the first segment where they literally arbitrarily swapped the misunderstanding between the two characters in mid conversation and the last segment where it got so far beyond sense that I was rolling my eyes instead of laughing. Mega-Elbow is not within the sphere of things that can be misunderstood. The third part blew the other three out of the water anyway. Chiba’s expression here was just perfect, and the inclusion of the random janitor in Satou’s legion of obsessed fans was great. The punchline at the end of it was telegraphed from miles away, but if anime has taught me anything, a gay love affair only makes men more desirable.

Part numero uno began with Hitoha becoming a fan of a sentai show and trying to talk to people about it. Yabe assumed that she was talking about her panties, but then switched to the show, and after a second gust of wind, she assumed that he was talking about seeing her panties. Part dos had Satou’s obsessed stalkers believing that Futaba’s photo of her dad in his youth was actually Satou and trying to steal it before Futaba invited them home to have a bath with the guy in the photo. The third part was Chiba tricking Futaba (who was wearing a skirt for once) into trying to flash Satou and the rumor spread around the school that whoever flashed Satou first got to date him. Chiba won. The final part was back to misunderstanding about the sentai, with Eyebrows thinking that Hitoha wanting to apologize for yelling at Yabe in part 1 was actually Hitoha having an illicit tryst with him.

Oh yeah, and for some reason, the OP now has sound effects. Go figure.


Bloomers bloomers everywhere.

Posted in Mitsudomoe | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • The Deviant says:

    Ah, This show and it’s misunderstandings.

  • kenuran says:


    Come and knock on our door…

  • Mesousa says:

    This was the WEAKEST episode of the season so far.

    It’s anotehr misunderstanding, laugh at it, LAUGH AT IT!

    This show needs more fourth wall breaking jokes.

  • Albedo says:

    “she assumed that he was talking seeing her panties.”

    me thinks this is improper English Aroduc.