Material Witches and the Long Overdue Wrapup

May 15th, 2019


Blast from the past here.

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Princess Witches #14 — Oh No! My Amnesia!

December 20th, 2015


Good thing we even waffled on that in the end.

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Princess Witches #13 — But What Does it MEAN!?

December 13th, 2015


Japanese writing really doesn't have much respect for its audience, does it?

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Princess Witches #12 — Sky Falls, Everybody Dies

December 6th, 2015


Subtle, it ain't.

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Princess Witches #11 — THE DARKNESS

November 22nd, 2015


Oh no! Not the thing that we just heard about three minutes ago!

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Princess Witches #10 — Magical Mystery Tour

November 15th, 2015


Oh boy, exposition!

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Princess Witches #09 — My Spider Sense is Tingling!

November 8th, 2015


Always a fantastic reason for a character to do something.

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Princess Witches #08 — Choux! Choux! Choux! Choux!

November 1st, 2015


Calm your tits, girl.

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Princess Witches #07 — Oral Fixation

October 25th, 2015


This was a very mouthy segment.

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Princess Witches #06 — Abusive Animal Abuse

September 29th, 2015


To be fair, the hamster deserved it.

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