Actually, I have no idea where the breast show has run off to. I skipped it last week because finding something ridiculous would have required sitting down and actually watching it. That’s a 20 minute commitment that I’m just not willing to make. This week, it’s just not appearing at all. Probably a blessing. So, uh… here’s all the Big Bang Attacks from BBBR. They finally hit version 1.03, which means that they’ve got all the moves for all the characters implemented. Personally, I would have thought that’d be the goal for 1.00. Now they can get back to fixing all those infinites. Also FYI, I’ve got a meeting tomorrow morning, so Yuruyuri and "Why Am I Still Watching This?" are going to be late by at least an hour or two… which may be the real reason for this post.
Well, I still haven’t been able to get my grubby mitts on it, but I doubt I’d have much to say that isn’t obvious anyway. Videos are starting to make their way onto NicoNico though, and while the majority are of funny glitches or silly infinites (I’m a fan of Senna’s corner face-slam one in particular), Kinako’s the last character not from BBB, so I figured one of her combo videos was worth tossing up one an otherwise slow pair of days. Other Comiket stuff… eh. I do recommend checking out the full version of Age of Ethanols if you like Age of Empires, but I’m a Civ guy. RTSes will never replace my OCD need to tweak every single specialist for half an hour each turn. They did give it a massive graphical overhaul from its earlier days and has netplay already built in to annoy your friends.
Frontier Aja’s put up the supposedly final version of BBR’s trial, which unfortunately adds Ren instead of Kinako, as well as the full voicing, music, etc, although it’s weird to hear Erika voiced by someone other than Shizuka Itou. The main tweaks to note introduced at this stage is a semi-return of the enhance system doing double-duty with the super button. Rouga’s got limited recharging cancels, Kunagi can charge her super bar, and Senna can recover her life. Ren and Erika seem to have gotten the shaft here, although Erika does have the silliest infinite combo ever with her new command throw. Ren in general seems to have taken a huge nerf but I never really played him anyway. His old chained shoulder-charge into Super grab does pitiful damage and even completely whiffs against Erika. Also, I included trains because that game only gets more hilarious when its creators mistransliterate its title as "Barning Stage."
It looks like Frontier Aja’s devoting all their time and effort into Big Bang Beat 2 now, title changed to Revolve. They recently put out the voice actor list and the OP movie is also up now. It’s interesting to see Kojurou, Sanae, and Jeanne in there next to the other playables since they’re not announced as of yet. Hopefully at least Sanae will have a bigger role than just being the tutorial girl this time. In parallel news to pad this post out, Tenco added an entire extra circle of characters to Eiyuu Senki, which I’ve mentioned here before to much confusion. Now with Billy the Kid as a wardrobe-challenged gunslinging little girl. New characters will continue to be revealed presumably as before, every Wednesday or Thursday.
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Not that I have any investment in the general Daibanchou scene or anything… but this latest trial adds Kunagi as well as some other slight tweaks like vocals for everybody but Erika, and character intros for Rouga and Senna. Well, and a host of other minor changes too, like Senna’s 214AA being basically the same as her throw now instead of a slide-cancel. At least it’s progressing a little faster lately. It was only a month ago that they released Senna. That’s a small blessing. Of course, Senna still has her corny 623 infinite, and Kunagi has an only slightly more complex one despite how different she plays now. Hopefully they’ll figure that stuff out once they actually get everybody ported into their new engine.
Only Erika and Rouga are playable, but at least it’s something. They’re clearly still working on… well… everything. It still doesn’t have boosting… music… voices… a title screen. Hell, throws aren’t even distance sensitive yet. Tap 4/6 C and a throw’s coming out. They’re also apparently completely reworking the movesets along with the engine. Rouga’s still got his anti-air grab, but his delay mine is now a shockwave. Both appear to have only one super at the moment too. Eri is unfortunately a little bit more of a joke than I was expecting. Stupid Shorko and body flop specials… Sigh. Thanks Setra for the head’s up. You can grab it here. Edit: Looking through the sprites, there are a ton of moves that are seemingly not implemented yet, as well as sprites for win/lose/intro/etc. Hmm.
In hindsight, I really should have made the rounds for the doujin news back when I saw the first announcement. Too late for that now, I guess! Anyway, Frontier Aja’s announced the sequel to Big Bang Beat, based on AliceSoft’s rather excellent SRPG Big Bang Age. Aside from big baddie Kamui, they’re also adding the most delicious Erika, and Kinako, both from the School chapter. I always felt bad passing up Erika. She was so strong through the first half of the game and such a fun character, but two good characters (Kendo and Kyuudo) trump one great one. Poor Erika. I have no pity for Kinako though. She was pathetic and weak while Burai was a beast.