Shut-In Vampire Princess #12 — Monkeys Out of Nowhere

December 30th, 2023


I'm sorry, why are there monkeys again?

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Shut-In Vampire Princess #11 — Talking is Always a Free Action

December 23rd, 2023


Shut up and be stabbed.

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Shut-in Vampire Princess #10 — Violence Against Giraffes

December 16th, 2023


And by giraffes, I guess.

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Vampire Princess #09 — Political Discord

December 9th, 2023


When did gradient hair become such a thing?

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Shut-In Vampire Princess #08 — Torture Porn

November 25th, 2023


Does anybody in this cult have any idea whatsoever what they're doing?

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Vampire Princess #07 — Drop a Rock on Them

November 18th, 2023


Get a new move.

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Shut-In Vampire Princess #06 — Vampire Democracy

November 11th, 2023


Why even have a queen if she doesn't even get a vote?

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Shut-in Vampire Princess #05 — Totally Not Suspicious Disney Princess

November 4th, 2023


And a mad cackling priest.

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The Shut-In Vampire Princess #04 — Dragon Ball V

October 28th, 2023


What a convenient moment for the peanut gallery to show up.

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The Shut-in Vampire Princess #03 — Extreme Vampire Bullying

October 21st, 2023


Which is no different from regular anime bullying.

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