Pokerei #05 — Gotta Catch ‘Em All!

July 30th, 2008


What show am I watching again?


I have to admit, I’m not a huge fan of Porygon Matsu or Squirtle Tsukiumi so far. Porygon Matsu’s speech pattern just annoys me. It’s extremely childish and she refers to herself as the third person all the time. Then again, she did make out with Machop Musubi while sitting on top of Ash Minato with Bulbasaur Kusano sitting right there, so I suppose she should get a few points for that. Squirtle Tsukiumi’s voice is what bothers me about her. It’s just a bit too deep… or rather, sounds like the VA is trying to make it really gravelly. Maybe she had a cold while recording, I don’t know. I’m sure I’ll get used to it, but she sounds way more butch than I expected her to/picked up from her one or two lines in previous episodes. I’m sure I’ll adapt, and it’s not like Porygon Matsu will be fighting much anyway, so who really cares what she says or does.

Unfortunately, not the most exciting episode otherwise. It seemed like a big slowdown from the breakneck pace of the last few episodes, especially when Porygon Matsu took us aside and we got a recap of the entire premise for about 30 seconds. Nothing really happened on the other fronts either except for Ash Minato capturing winging Porygon Matsu and Charizard Homura started losing control of his/her powers. Yukari and I’ve-already-forgotten-his-name had about 5 seconds of screentime where she fangirled over him and then he tried to kiss her before things cut away, and we had a bit of setup for Squirtle Tsukiumi before she dropped into Ash Minato’s lap and fantasized about being naked in front of him, and nudity makes Squirtle Tsukiumi ANGRY.

At least next week should be a little more exciting. Even aside from Squirtle Tsukiumi about to go ballisitc on Ash Minato’s ass, Brock Seo seems to be slapping that turtle woman around like a true misogynist.

Brief Summary:

Musubi comes home completely torn up, but apparently forgot something in the beam cannon rain. Miya stops her from going back out and tells her to just go into the bath where Matsu is making her moves on Minato. Musubi interrupts them, but Matsu traps her in a net and tries to finish it again… but is no match for Miya’s cockblocking skills.

Matsu explains all about her hidden room and her ‘hobby/work’ and whatnot, but Kusano’s still convinced she’s a ghost.

Homura has a brief fight with the pair of Sekirei again, but simply goes nuclear and sets fire to the entire area, forcing them to retreat. A little later he tries to call for help, but melts the phone in his hand. Tsukiumi shows up and douses him and the two exchange thoughts on the whole Sekirei/Ashikabi thing. Tsukiumi no like Ashikabis!

Yukari and whose-his-face flirt a bit more before he tries to kiss her.

Matsu sneaks into Minato’s room and kisses him, winging herself, but Miya prevents matters from progressing any further. Musubi sleeps through all of it. The next morning, all three Sekirei are sleeping on top of Minato. Matsu tries for a good morning kiss, but gets Musubi instead. They all go to breakfast, where they see that Kagari is covered in bandages. MAYBE FROM BURNS OR SOMETHING. Who knows.

Musubi trains with Miya while Minato studies. He drifts off and has a dream of Tsukiumi telling him she’ll kill him. He wakes up, and decides to ask Matsu for more information. Matsu gives a recap of the whole Sekirei thing, which makes Minato go into an angsty "what can I do" line of boring self-searching. He describes the woman in his dream, and Matsu nails it down as Tsukiumi, who is apparently EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. They formulate a plan to try to at least deal with her after a peptalk from Musubi.

Some point in the future, Kusano saves a cat from falling on Minato. Seo was chasing it for a job. At the same time, Hikari and Hibiki attack Tsukiumi who easily blasts them away. They retreat and catch up with Seo, but Tsukiumi is in hot pursuit and lands on Minato. When she looks at him, she senses immediately that he’s special to her and gets pissed.


Seo, I don’t think pinning down a woman and having your way with her is the right way into her heart.

Posted in Sekirei | 10 Comments »

10 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Gil says:

    Another “good” episode.

  • Calawain says:

    I admire your dedication in actually inserting and striking all of the Pokemon names. The funny was well worth the effort imo.

  • Aroduc says:

    If I was clever, I’d have just used find/replace.

  • totali says:

    Squirtle is CLEARLY the best pokemon evar. HYDRO PUMP.

  • sage says:

    Who the fsck cares about Squirtle?!


  • Aroduc says:

    Jumpluff is not one of the proper 151.

  • shadow says:

    Other episode only with many fanservice and bad fights, thanks it anime have not yuri

  • jeffng9 says:

    come on sage. squirtle is nice. i like tsukiumi ~ her dere dere side is cute~~~~

    jumppluf and charizard winging should be sson about 3 or 5 episode more? why not u just wait for it. I wanna enjoy more of Tsukiumi before jumpluff and charizard jump into the scene

  • Westlo says:

    Charizard winging will happen in Sekirei Yellow

  • HomerJ says:

    pokemon hadn’t crossed my mind :P

    guess it could be a mix of pokemon and suikoden harem mode XD