Samurai Girls DVD Special #04 — Delusions of Grandeur

February 25th, 2011


Honestly, I just want to push that GOSICK entry down as quickly as possible so I can forget it existed.


And in this gripping special, Yukimura tells Naoe all about the special appeals that lolis have over perky breasts like hers. Okay, whatever helps you sleep at night, Sanada. Of course, they have to do this naked after being draped over each other. Never change, ARMS, never change. If only Milky Holmes was putting out DVD specials. Sigh… You know you want to, JC Staff.


Posted in Samurai Girls | 8 Comments »

8 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • alex says:

    what’s with the fail censorship

  • ShuffleAir says:

    Wasn’t there suppose to be a Mitsudomoe special that came out yesterday? But maybe Aroduc is tired from all the specials this week, or maybe instead from that terrible Gosick episode.

    • Aroduc says:

      Maybe. OVAs and specials in general are kind of on a come-as-they-do schedule, unlike broadcasts. All of this stuff was technically out on Tuesday in Japan, IE Monday night in our time, but there’s still stuff that hasn’t shown up yet.

  • Dual says:


  • Naku says:

    Why do you need Look Nipples
    when you see Freezing ~

  • Mesousa says:

    This special fails. Not enough asses.

  • shadow says:

    Este episodio es para los pedofilos del blog ( yo no lo soy por siacaso )
    Cuidado con la policia.