A Certain Magical Index II #17 — A Day in the Life

February 4th, 2011


What did you expect?


Yawn. Just an unabashed time filler episode, pretty much as expected. Oh wait, no. Misaka needing to pretend like she’s going out with Touma for a cellphone strap or Accelerator having his own harem antics are the epitome of plot. At least it looked like Accel was going to be the one to slap a bitch when he walked in on his women naked instead of the other way around. I think LO stealing one of the Misaka’s goggles because that would make her an adult (and how!) is about the only thing that’s going to have any impact whatsoever on future episodes.

There’s really not a ton more to say than that. It was okay, but still pretty poor compared to when they actually try to turn it into a comedy, ie the Index-tan DVD specials. All the rest we’ve seen before a few hundred times and are just going through the motions at this point. Misaka blushes, stammers, Kuroko fumes, Accel glares at people. Etc etc. I guess there’s the new OP, but they made that out of corny Windows Movie Maker effects and a song that has no flow whatsoever so… meh.


What a wet archbishop.

Posted in Index | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • By this point in the series, do Kuroko, Uiharu and Saten know about the Sisters?

    • Twi says:

      No, they don’t know. If kuroko got her hands on the sisters, bad things would happen.

      Looks like it’s following the novel again. The first volume of this arc is…well boring if you are an action fan. When the villan shows up and Accel gets serious, then we have progress.

  • Yue says:

    Way more entertaining than the previous episodes where ships don’t even bob or wobble, as if they’re on stagnant heavy water. ~_~

  • Yoruhime says:

    LOL, Accelerator has no reaction to naked women?

  • Aex says:

    That ending was awesome. “The time for revolution has come” lol! 10032 is still my favorite character, or at least my favorite Misaka (equal with Mikoto).

    I enjoyed this one, but I’m more of a comedy guy to begin with so I can laugh at how dumb some of this was. “I want an encounter” *punched out* lol! Also, that Fukiyose scene was just… wow. Mikoto molesting the pillow and the Sisters ranting about 19090 dieting were pretty good too.

  • Solaris says:

    I wanted to rant some more about how comedy had the usual antics but played fairly better and with all of the chars in store, but i’m tired to defend the evidence, so yeah, fuck it. And yes, the silly play Last Order start with Misaka 10032 is the start of the whole dirty affair this time. But i think even if they’d put out the best play and plot you’d find something to throw more shit, so again fuck it.

  • Scott says:

    Is an episode automatically filler just because Touma doesn’t punch someone in the face? I think I prefer this to the usual Bleach/Naruto filler where they just throw in some useless battles that take twenty episodes.

  • thewizardninja says:

    It’s not even filler. This my friends is what we call BUILD-UP. All of this is going somewhere, not to mention half the stuff that happens is important to the later plot-lines as well.