Is This a Zombie? #04 — Whales in Sweaters, Dogs in Trenchcoats
January 31st, 2011
I see we’re back to combining random nouns.
Saying that this episode has focus issues is like saying that the Trix Rabbit is mildly obsessive. Let’s review. Cerberos McGruff the Crime Dog shows up at the house, attacks Ayumu, fawns over Eu, then heads out with the zombie to hunt the murderer and gets killed. Then Eu and Ayumu have a heart-to-heart about her past… sort of, then they fight a giant sky whale in a sweater which Ayumu defeats by powering up his magical girl form to extra ‘cute’ levels to behead the whale with a kick. None of these segments really had anything to do with the others at all. It just violently swung from one extreme to the next without even bothering to transition between anything. Oh yeah, and Kyoko was killed at the end of the episode right before CHEERY HAPPY FUN TIME ED.
The scene between Eu and Ayumu was probably the high point, but I really don’t like the way that was handled at all. The music was good, but it basically boiled down to a lot of distance shots of the two while Ayumu read out exposition of her fairly generic past (yada yada, bound by magic/destiny, etc) in a somewhat dull monotone. Even if they had to invoke the delusional scenes to give her a voice and add a little more emotion to the scene, that would have been a lot better than having Ayumu basically read off a bunch of cue cards explaining her backstory. At least they didn’t have the damn dog give it. I don’t even want to look at that thing when its mouth hangs open as it ‘talks.’
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Minaguchi Yuko is this week’s Delusion Eu.
She’s well-known for her roles as Minase Akiko and Sailor Saturn.