Bat Buffalo Wings — AKA Rio’s Tripping Balls

January 18th, 2011

Just because I’m slammed with classwork today and probably won’t have time to do a full writeup on anything in the timespan… Apparently this week’s Rio has the actress get possessed by a chicken wing scarfing ghost and Rio has to play a single hand of craps to… uh… dispossess her. That’s not even how craps works. This is getting to the point where it’s so horrible that I can’t look away. I’m not even watching this, just flipping through to see what fresh horror it inflicts upon the world. Sigh.

Posted in Rio RainbowGate | 23 Comments »

23 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • GF202020 says:

    I told you this shit was near FLCL levels of WTF.

    …but you need to blog it anyways.


    • Aroduc says:

      I really think watching about 2 minutes of it a week is about all that I can stand.

      • GF202020 says:

        That will be fine, if you make a video montage of all the WTF moments of that episode…though, at this rate, that would probably be THE ENTIRE EPISODE.

        But you would become a God-Tier Blogger if you did give it the full blog treatment.

        Well, hey, you DID blog KANOKON of all things….surely you can blog the WTF-ness of Rio.

  • Anonymous says:

    Flying buffalo wings what.

    This show is awesome.

  • I watched this.

    Nina’s clumsiness is already Mayu-level deadly.

    Internets to those who know exactly who I am talking about.

  • alex says:


  • Ransom says:

    Girls with little clothing and bunny ears… Why am I reminded of an island and a rich family and a witch… Ah! And seagulls… Even though it couldn’t be more different :p

  • Mesousa says:

    This show is not terrible, you are! Not seeing this show proves you’re a terrorist!

    Wait, I made a pun?

  • Amyable says:

    You guys seriously expect Aroduc to blog this madness? Every week? That’s just sadistic.

  • Bass GS says:

    What the hell?

  • sage says:

    This show is craps.

  • Gil says:

    One of the best animes this season.

    Blog it!

  • Ransom says:

    You should blog it… Just for the lulz :D

    Mhm… I think I’m using the term wrongly but anyway :p

  • Andy says:

    Rio’s Cute but the pliot is amazing

  • Yamibakeru says:

    This is the worst sort of anime. This isn’t just the sort of anime that sucks, this is the sort of anime that sucks in such a sucky way it ends up sucking you in because you want to find out how sucky the suckage gets. And that really, REALLY sucks.

  • alex says:

    This is good but I was hoping that the “fight” would be as crazy as in ep.2. Those twin sisters bunnies are so much win, Rio is cute and Loli needs more screentime. And read head twintail is win too.

    Why do people complain so much about Rio when Shity&Shiting with Shitybelt was for them such a “great” show.

    • Travis says:

      Different boats.

      Think one being a PT Cutter that’s headed for a whirlpool, going against the current, and the current is made of shit. But it stands out, and that’s something – with it’s twenty-color paint job and giant octorok mural, you certainly can’t say that it’s the same old. So you watch, even as the coast guard chases after it, because you’re not sure who to root for.

      Then, there’s another boat. This is a giant, steaming, horvath of a machine. It’s non-comissh, and you can tell whatever private weapons manufacturer(s?) put their name into it, they wanted to obscure it so much there is no discerning detail as to who created it – except for one room inside, which is filled with huge, larger than life signatures. Gaudy, even. We’re talking Hancock gaudy. Anyway, this big-ass Carrier is going the same route every other blue-water craft goes, but it does so in a weeeeeird way. At first it seems normal, but than the water turns to semen, and the semen mires the craft so much it comes to a halt, but the captain looks out the window and yells ‘It’s okay to stop here, it’s just bat country’ and so they just set up camp and occasionally throw a crewman to the semen-ocean in sacrifice, appeasing some sort of dark god who slumbers beneath the deep. My bet is on Demiurge.

      I think there was a metaphor there.

      I forgot it.

    • Dynellen says:

      Because p&s was mostly a parody show that didn’t take itself too seriously.

      This is just completely random stuff thrown together, makes absolutely no sense but still pretends to be serious.

      It’s the difference between tongue-in-cheek show and ‘serious’ show that is simply bad.

    • alex says:

      looks like I hit a nerve with Shity&Shiting with Shitybelt

  • Mesousa says:

    Pointless Panty and Stocking hat eis pointless.

    Sora no OtoSHITmono hate is something we can all agree on, though.