Midnight on the Train to The Sapphire Falls | We Are VENOM
June 15th, 2008
Midnight Venom
Man, this week’s Doctor Who was spectacular. Just the right amount of mystery, paranoia and subtle terror that will make me stay away from cross-planetary diamond trains for years to come. It’s amazing the creepiness you can instill in a scene with just some clever sound technicians. The Spectacular Spiderman finale was also pretty decent, but the second half was just a biiiiiiiit too thick on all of Peter’s friends coming together to save Gwen and then the awful "power of friendship conquers all" ending. I expected better of you, symbiote. You got suckered in and defeated by the Care Bear Stare. Oh well, there’s always next season.
Oh yeah, and I’m messing around with Battle Goddess: Episode Zero, just slowly and with many many distractions. Expect a writeup in a couple of days though. It’s at least much much much MUCH better than Amaneka.
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Well, that’s good news.