Shiki #12 — Seduction of a Vampire
October 14th, 2010
Natsuno, you are the stupidest idiot imaginable.
"Oh man! Tohru’s alive! We can run off together and live with just the two of us!" Seriously, Natsuno? This is seriously your grand plan? Threaten Tohru with various objects, throw them aside, and then offer to run off to Connecticut so they can be gay-vampire married? That’s it. I can’t take this anymore. I’m tapping out. Every time this show starts to go anywhere interesting, it gets cast aside in favor of resetting everything and the characters acting like inbred halfwits. Aside from the excessive fruitiness of that entire scene, this whole episode was back to the snail’s pace and abject stupidity of all characters that has plagued this series from the very start. Natsuno’s content to just lay back and die after his attempt to run off with his gay lover failed. Meanwhile, his partners in crime are too stupid to realize that his mother’s been attacked too and are entirely too ready to just give up the moment Natsuno’s father lies to them about having a 180 degree change of mind and now totally believes them after all. Great job, crime squad.
The new OP really does a good job of showcasing the problems with this show. It has too many characters, all of them are ridiculous looking, they all just stand around, and it leaps back and forth between them constantly, preventing it from ever building a shred of momentum. Oh yes, and all of them except maybe the vampires are dumb as bricks. If there was ever a village that deserved to be wiped off the map by a pack of flesh-eating undead, it’s this one. I don’t know if Milky Holmes is going ot manage to be more than the vapid little pseudo-magical girl show that it is now, but Shiki’s squandered its last chance with me. The occasional 2-3 minutes of good atmosphere every other episode is not worth suffering through 40 minute of imbeciles waffling. And still, 12 episodes into it, next to bloody nothing has happened. They’ve… discovered that there are vampires and are doing nothing about it. Great work. The audience was here 4 months ago. I hope all these fruity haired nitwits die.
Not like it matters since it’s taking another week off next week anyway.
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Not gonna blog this anymore, I guess.