Student Council Officers #08 — The Lowest Form of Humor

August 21st, 2010


It’s funny because it makes you want to shoot yourself.


Ugh. You know there are issues when every interstitial is twice as long as usual, four times as obtrusive, and contain more visual gags than the rest of the episode. And I hope you like puns and simple written ‘jokes’, because that’s what about 80% of the humor this week is. There were a few decent gags here and there. I enjoyed the super-fast generic bad romance anime that probably came right from Jump, particularly the hot blooded shout of COMBINE in place of the wedding night. The joke the show ended on of Shino as some kind of judo yaoi master was also at least something they put a little thought and creativity into, although that scene was so obviously stretched out an extra 15 seconds to reach the end of the episode that the impact was a bit dulled.

For the most part though, this episode completely eschewed having even half of it being combined and went for full on ADHD the entire run. The longest unified segment was the judo bit at the end and even that only lasted about 3 minutes, at least forty seconds of which was spent on watching Shino walk and watching people watch her wrestle. What happened to that budget, GoHands? Skipping around like a hummingbird on Speed also doesn’t help when you’re trying to introduce a new character by giving her a cliche character trait (hates men) and then having her disappear again. I hope we don’t see Kaede again.


Sports festival apparently.

Posted in Student Council | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Anon999 says:

    You know, anime is degrading itself every year. Why don’t they just stop making stupid slice of life shows and start showing more serious and darker shows.

    • Myssa Rei says:

      I think you mean ‘4koma Comedy Show’ and not ‘Slice of Life’ show. Seitokai, like LS! and many Azumanga derivatives, are 4koma Comedy adaptations.

      • Anise_Punter says:

        4Koma comedy shows and slice-of-life shows aren’t mutually exclusive, you just don’t live a silly enough life :)

        This one is definitely much more of the former and not really all that much of the latter; the pauses to let the jokes resonate (on those occasions that they actually do) make sure of that.

    • Yue says:

      Leave the “serious and darker shows” to HOLLYWOOD like producing how great a live-action movie of TEKKEN thay have made. ~_~

  • Chen says:

    Haters gonna hate.

  • The Deviant says:

    Dark shows ftw… I miss them. that’ll be the 293213th Sports festival in an anime.

  • Mesousa says:

    A ball gag joke?

    Uh, wow.

  • rufe says:

    Slice of life happens to be one of my favorite genres. This series is interesting in that they’ve adapted the anime just like the 4-coma. I think it would work better in 5 minute episodes or made into a coherent storyline like 4-coma usually end up being made into.

    I think part of why *I* always feel that the quality is falling is that I only remember the very best anime of each season and, of course, for the really old anime I only see the ones that have remained famous.

  • Derek says:

    The only “slice of life” show in this season is HoTD, stop confusing the poor genre.