January 25th, 2010
Just one of those days.
At this point, I think I’m mainly watching this show because the OP makes me smile. I’m weak against countermelodies. Well, that and the fact that it really has yet to disappoint my rather low expectations for it, unlike other shows I could name. Sometimes the status quo is a-okay.
I’ve got to admit that I really liked both Komachi and Amahara (the other long haired girl) this week though. Komachi makes a good foil against Nayu’s dumbness and I think it would actually work out pretty well if he had a more central role, if for no other reason than it amuses me to see him run off in tears at the sight of a Nayu groping Tamaki. Plus the whole beating her with a shoe thing. You can never have too much shoe related violence. Kiyono only had one line, but "Oh? That’s underwear for having sex in, are you sure you’re an underwear expert?" is a perfectly suitable first introduction. I hope she doesn’t end up being some Kononoe Rin knock off, but since she seemed more obsessed with Komachi last week, I don’t think that’s too big of a danger. I assume she’s just going to be of the "underwear is supposed to be sexy" variety… or maybe a teenaged prostitute. Or both!
It was a little disappointing that they sort of recycled Haruka’s insecurities about the size of her breasts again, but blah blah blah, power of friendship conquers teenage girl insecurities until Komachi gets into a fight to protect the fitting demo from the perverts and scaring off all the girls. Again, Komachi really does deserve more screen time. Everybody else outside of Nayu is totally passive and are pretty much just there to give her different body types to grope. Actually, I kind of like all of the named guys in this show, even the bald middle aged teacher. It’s kind of amusing how little any of them care about underwear given… well… every single thing about this show.
Nayu notices boys.
Posted in Chu-Bra!! | 10 Comments »
I clicked on the link to this post and saw nothing to do with Khorne. I want my money back.
And here I was thinking Chu-Bra! was having a Warhammer crossover or something. I’d watch that, although I’d expect Slaanesh to appaer rather than Khorne.