A Certain Worthless X-Ray Machine #16 — Male Nudity Wins Again
January 22nd, 2010
This has been a remarkably homoerotic week in anime.
And thus does this SUPER IMPORTANT ARC come to an end with a guy stripping and I-Hate-This-Woman-Too using her super power to determine that the man reaching into his jacket in the middle of a fight is going for a weapon. Yeah, I’m impressed too, Mikoto. I thought he was just thirsty and wanted a timeout to quench. That was a close one. I choose to believe that she actually is emitting x-rays and has sterilized every single character in the area around her. It makes things so very much more bearable.
Or maybe they could just not spend a third of the episode in flashbacks. Or give us a real antagonist here. Touma’s trashy villains were angels or people who dropped cars on him, but at least they had something at least theoretically interesting going for them aside from "has a gun" and "has a giant stereo system that disrupts powers." You know what? I bet if you had a regular giant stereo and just blasted it at full volume, that would also prevent them from controlling their powers. Screw it. The next arc will just have a marching band standing fifteen feet away with some trumpet player blasting into Mikoto’s ear. Let’s see you control your powers then. At least the magic stereo that somehow only delinquent punks have access to is rubble again. Back to the pit of horrible deus ex machina with you!
Who’s the title character again?
Posted in Railgun | 10 Comments »
You know, your commentary makes this series worthwhile for me. I just thought I’d mention it now. Thank you.
On that note, I’m really starting to miss Touma now.