Dead Fantasy 3 — Assorted Ramblings on Direction
July 14th, 2009
Continuing from my previous semi-rant before… even though art and animation has been inarguably getting better across the board for last decade, direction really hasn’t. Many action shows think that they can get by with just grunting and stills, not that I’m looking at you, Needless, Basara, or any bloody Jump series ever. That makes things like Monty Oum’s machinima Dead Fantasy series all the more impressive. Sure, it’s fanwank to the extreme, but awesome choreography never goes out of style. No matter how well animated your grunting or yelling may be, it’ll never live up to real martial arts. Sadly, these days, real action sequences like you used to find in J2 or Tokyo Majin are the exception rather than the norm. I blame that drill show for repopularizing grunting, whatever it may have been called. I’m sure they’ll make a resurgence in popularity eventually. Probably at the point when people realize that extremely detailed background animation or falling cherry petals is actually very very boring.
Also, I’m glad that DoA got some love after the second edition was almost all Final Fantasy love.
Posted in Doujin | 19 Comments »
Ooh, it’s finally finished. Dead Fantasy III-V are pretty insane, although I don’t think anything will top Dead Fantasy II.