Memento Yuri #05 — Brought To You By The Nintendo Switch

January 30th, 2025


The console of choice of the apocalypse.


More of Reaction Faces: The Episode than anything else. Ostensibly it was about the boob monster and the gamer, but just like the previous episode about the other two, I can't actually say that either had any development. It was just filler until all of a sudden, they tearfully hugged and declared their friendship. Last week was supposedly dramatic. This week was comic. Again, in the sense that they made a lot of dumb faces. It was halfway through the episode and I couldn't even remember why we were doing this at all. Because Renge remembered that Yuri used to challenge people? I miss when there were giant monsters to fight.

Kind of a whiplash when all of a sudden the happy music kicked in at the end and they went to go hang out at some fresh graves before the obligatory eleventh hour tease that the plot would inch forward… eventually. Then the ED kicks in and the next episode preview is all boobs. Not feeling like you're going to be following up on that promise, guys. 


Next Episode:

Boobs, the episode.

Posted in Momentary Lily | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Ark noir says:

    I’m genuinely curious.

    You know how tits speaks about herself in the third person, do you think the tits are parasitic? Like Venom? Venom uses ‘we'(will eat your brains) a lot, tits uses onee-san. Is it a joint thing or is the tits in control? The jiggle physics has to come into play as well. Humans can’t move boobies like that it has to be alien intervention plus the speed in forgetting her friend’s death and her having fun is a side effect or she’s a hyena…

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