The Elusive Samurai #03 — Random Giant Pig
July 20th, 2024
Ah yes. The peaceful countryside with giant man eating monsters roaming free.
Weakest of the three episodes, and a bit of a change in format. This one was split into two distinct halves, which, mind you, is still more structure, format, and purpose than the vast majority of other shows this season have shown, but the first half especially was really insubstantial. Tokiyuki is a bit down and needs a pep talk. That's… kind of just it. Not even a particularly good pep talk. Just look at all these people who believe in you. Oh wait, it's a gag, but whatever, resolved anyway, and we move right on.
The second half was a little better, but like last week's episode, it didn't do a good job actually introducing the rest of the traveling gang. We got at least their names and an announcement of their gimmicks with a brief demo against a giant boar, and again, it's nice that they're all getting along, supportive of each other, and not screaming imbeciles, but there's not a whole lot more to say past that, good or bad. Girl has brute strength. Dude is a soldier. Other girl is clever. I can't help but think over to stuff like Yozakura Quartet or Horizon which did four times as many character intros with a lot more personality and flair in its opening chase scene as executing on it with more flair and personality.
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