MF Ghost #01 — Those Silly Stalkers

September 30th, 2023


Starring the boy born with no personality.

Apparently this is airing a day early on all the online streaming sites, both Abema and abroad.


I'm not sure I had this one pegged for going all in on the shoujo romance stuff. Is that a thing that Initial D does? It doesn't fit my image of it. I'm less surprised that it has the girl character complaining about being objectified and stalked while the entire ED is just bikini pictures of her with slow pans up and down her entire body. Also, it's approximately four seconds between her announcing that she isn't interested in people for looks and everybody who is are stupid, and going "SQUEEEE! HE'S SOOOO HOT!"

You'd think that'd be a joke, but I'm not sure this even understands the concept of humor. Particularly as they also try to do a meet-cute between the dude and her stalker. The whole thing just feels weird. I expected more cars and racing than, well, essentially none. They did inform us about MFG's gear-shift regulations at least three or four times. Hell if I know why. Is that something 'classic' car racing people are into? Discussing gears? And then they stick Random Kid Off the Street in what's presumably a very, very expensive car and just ay "go for it," which is where the episode ends, promising that next week there'll be some racing. Not seeing how this is really a hook, guys, even for the people into this kind of show. 

Posted in MF Ghost | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Opera says:

    So if I remember, in Initial D the love interest for the MC kinda did care for him, but she ended up going out with older guys because they had money. I think she escorted, but don’t really remember (could be wrong). Either way, she left and MC just fell in love with someone else. But I do remember that she was on the back burner compared to the cars and all of the guys driving them. Kinda surprised the focus switched. We’ll see if it’s sustainable throughout a driving show.