The Capable Cat #12 — “I Hate Mondays”

September 22nd, 2023


Bold thoughts, Garfield.


Granted, it wasn't the cat complaining about Mondays, but a whole segment on that twelve episodes in says that we've hit bedrock as far as mining for any jokes go. Further proven by the ending flashback that itself contained flashbacks to the adoption bit yet again. There's only one episode left. Is that episode also going to be recapping it with its own flashbacks? At this point, I almost hope that the answer is yes just for maximum exasperation since, again, the comedy here has run totally dry. 

And then the middle two portions were an official meet and greet between Saku and the two grocery people, and a reminder that there's an idol group that Yukichi likes. Twelve episodes in, and we're getting entire bits of characters just introducing themselves to each other to re-react to the lame gags from eleven episodes ago. This season has past run its course, and I will be happy to put it behind us. Season preview for fall should be out on Tuesday or Wednesday. Hope you like reincarnation, because that trend ain't going anywhere. 

Next Episode:

Posted in Capable Cat | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • The Phantom says:

    How about ignoring the current lineup and instead blog old animes like Red Garden, Cossete No shouzou etc.