The Genes of AI #04 — Robosexuality

July 28th, 2023


At least nobody's putting their reset switches in their genitals.


I think this may be where I call it for this one. Ostensibly, it was explicitly split into four parts, but the first was basically just silly filler, the last was only about 90 seconds long, and the middle two were… Well, they were supposedly about two mixed android/human couples struggling with that, but with even less depth and more misguided than Chobits, and that's saying a lot. Hell, I think most weird harem shows from 20 years ago probably handled mixed species relationships a little more tactfully than this, or maybe I have a rose colored view for the likes of… ugh… stuff like Sekirei or DearS. Definitely not Chobits though. I've carefully cultivated pure disdain for that show as I've aged.

Anyway, the first kept undermining itself with closeups of the girl's chest and the dude fantasizing about it before ending anticlimactically. And then the second doubled down on that with him screaming in lament about how much he was in love with her but was tormented by his obsession with breasts. You're not going to be posing too many transhumanism musings in between "BOOOOOBBBBBSSS!" And then they broke up and… uh… seems like that was for the best anyway since their relationship was awful? That sure was… a few minutes of yelling about women's chests. 


Next Episode:

Posted in Genes of AI | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • LUNI_TUNZ says:

    I’m starting to think the big reveal at the end of the series will be that the entire thing was written by ChatGPT, and is secretly a plot to support the striking writers, because this was awful. Like, with the boy using his crush as his fake girlfriend you had an interesting, if obvious story to tell there. And you go for “he said the wrong name, and she leaped to conclusions.”

    The third story was useless, though I did like the part where the girl tells him she lost “passion” for him and like a clueless numbskull he goes “what have I done wrong?” As if he didn’t fhest oj her a bunch if times.

    • Chipp12 says:

      Yeah he could just reply with something like “No I just used the app to prepare for our first date since I never dated a girl etc.” but nope she realized that he used the app and it’s an instant game over.