Dark Gathering #02 — Hairy Dolls
July 16th, 2023
What a meal.
This is still managing to be the weakest Sunday show, though I can't help but feel like I'd be at least a little more tolerant of it if it was during the dry spell in the middle of the week. Or maybe not, because a two goddamned minute recap in the second episode is pretty damn ridiculous, and it still doesn't actually get what makes horror media thrilling. There's no investigation, build up of the tension, chase, danger, etc. There's just some light body horror. In this particular case, hair hands and swallowing hair.
The monster of the week is literally just some random evil collection of dolls they had stuffed in the basement that he, again, randomly, literally stumbled over while I guess getting lost pooping. Why they just throw together all these evil dolls and do a half-assed job securing them? Who knows. How are they defeated? The girl walks in and hits them. We're pretty far from actual horror in every way here, so that leaves… what? The comedy and characters to carry it? Ugh.
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