The Genes of AI #01 — Ctrl-Z
July 7th, 2023
Wait, did he just kidnap their daughter?
This is what I was afraid of when I glanced through the source. It's an interesting philosophical topic in transhumanism, especially as it related to cloning, because that's essentially what the schtick was in this episode. She's sick, but we can create a backup of you. *You* will die, but your clone will live on. For everybody else, it's a continuation of *you*, but it is essentially a brand new person that could have been created at any point, and especially from *your* perspective, you're dead. Or even what's moral; to commit essentially suicide immediately and replace yourself with that clone, or to live out as much of your life as you can even while subjecting yourself and family to the process and pain of your gradual decline and death? And this doesn't really grapple with any of that. It just mostly goes "well, you'll forget the last few weeks, but be healthy again." And then everybody merrily goes on with their days, without confronting any of the thorny ideas or concepts at play here.
There's a meta discussion that could be spurred the idea here, but the presentation and understanding of it in the show itself is pretty lacking. Nor does it help that the characters and presentation are pretty dull too. Dude is a stoic bore. Animation and direction are passable to nonexistant, and the overarching story of the dude's mom being in jail isn't worked in well at all, nor does it seem particularly interesting. The nurse's excessively fetishistic short uniform probably didn't help matters too much either. I feel like I may have read too much Heinlein, Asmiov, etc in my youth for these superficial musings to work for me, though I also can't help but wonder if even Star Trek might be a deeper wading pool into transhumanism than this, even if the presentation didn't kind of suck.
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Posted in Genes of AI | 3 Comments »
It’s like Plastic Memories but not utter shit so that’s a win in my books