The Hero Is Dead! #01 — Floppy Blades

April 6th, 2023


I will not be using the full title. It pains me.

There's a whopping eight premieres tomorrow. It'll be a marathon, not a sprint.


It's certainly a throwback show that would've been lost among the half-dozen shows just like it had it come out ten years ago, which is a double edged sword. On one hand, we're not barraged by having to go through the entire Player's Handbook about the setting and a whole powerpoint presentation about whose stats are higher than whose, how higher numbers mean higher stats, and how his stats are the highest of all. On the other hand, bringing back this kind of puerile shouty sex pest protagonist and the fanservice heroine screaming/hitting while yelling "pervert" is probably not a plus.

I will say that it's nowhere near as skeevy as it could have been, and seemed like it was going to be given the very goofy OP, and it at least gets right into the premise quickly and just starts running with it. That's particularly welcome given other fantasy trends of the last five years. Likewise, unlike that God and Porn show, it is absolutely 100% clear that it is a comedy and that the hero dying is all schtick, no melodramatic tragedy. The problem for me is that the characters are more obnoxious than anything else, and really missing any kind of genuine redeeming moment or act of maybe not quite heroism, but at least empathy that would make them less relentlessly abrasive, and there's not much schadenfreude to be had in their just deserts either since even that is largely yelling.

On the other other hand, it's not like there's anything else on Thursdays this season, so… 

Next Episode:

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