Colossal Vertebrates of Ars #08 — Magical Hugs

February 24th, 2023


Did she even have a name?


…Why exactly did the credits run thirteen minutes into the episode? Did the storyboarding get screwed up? Anyway, that aside, not actually all that interesting of an episode. The entire first half was consumed by a flashback of Kumi's origin story which is… that she's a clone made by racists out for world conquest. Pour one out for the nameless racist whose line was seeing dozens of homunculi brainwashed and killed for science. Look, he's fine with the unabashed racism and proposed genocide, but nihilism in brainwashed suicidal homunculi? No, sir. That's then followed by a few minutes of listening to the head racist explain how they're racists… again, and out for world conquest. I don't know what any of this was supposed to add.

We don't actually really pick up with the fight we ostensibly started the episode with until sixteen goddamned minutes into the episode. Luckily, the baddies are also incredibly stupid, and Kumi has previous undiscovered psychic powers, able to both talk to dogs and reverse brainwashing/share her memories via hugs. Which would maybe make a little more sense if the other clone had… I don't know, been afraid of the outside world or expressed any thought besides "I'm better than you." Which makes her going nuclear not the most tragic death, despite how much the music was trying to wring from that scene.

Next Episode:

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