Akiba Maid War #04 — The Spanking Stick

October 27th, 2022


It's still weird to me that this is one of the less sexualized shows of the season.


Once again, I sort of get what they were going for as a Full Metal Jacket drill sergeant parody, but it fell far short of actually being a parody. Instead of becoming brainwashed factory-spec maids or ruthless yakuza members or whatever they were going for, two of them, and only two of them, became… marginally more serious, and in fact, it was probably the worst two to pick since one was already the pragmatic straight man, and the other is the audience insert klutz. That's not even a huge change for their characters. Nor was any of it all that over the top or jokey. The closest thing was the beating with a squeaky bat.

This was apparently meant to be the character episode for the gyaru one too, which also got incredibly muddled. She got yelled at a time or two about her makeup, but not that much more focus than any of the others. So she fakes changing for a day, then gives a speech about how it's not about dresscodes, but having fun, which is proven by someone telling the klutz she's improved. Um, okay, but I don't see one follows from the other, and if anything, you're showing that the training had a positive effect on at least one of them. But at least the obnoxious manager was sidelined for the episode, so that was a small grace. 


Posted in Akiba Maid War | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Joshua says:

    Good lord, this episode was a whole bunch of nothing. There’s something that needs to be said about the creators (or company) trying too hard to be *wacky* like in Zombieland Saga, assuming that it’ll automatically be seen as funny because of that, when it’s really not.