Love Flops #01 — A Speed Run For Being Horrendous
October 12th, 2022
Great. I was just thinking there wasn't enough gay dog rape in this season.
The simplest way to describe this is to think back to all the horrible harem cliches of about fifteen years ago, and then make a show about speedrunning them. Except also, for some godawful reason, add in jokes about characters getting raped by dogs, accidentally having bananas in their pants making it look like they have foot long erections, and, oh yeah, the recurring gay dog rape. He comes across a 'boy' being pinned down and humped by a dog, as a fanservice scene. Later in the episode, he encounters the same 'boy' and same dogs, which this time rips off his pants and humps him into submission as a single flower falls.
Who looked around and thought that what had gone wrong with recent anime romance/comedies was not enough tripping into groping, or accidentally palming girls' underwear? Was this some old trashy visual novel script that someone called in a favor to get adapted? I'd be skeptical of even that since I feel like the trashy ones still tried to have some kind of wacky gimmick to them while this one just has a dude making a few stupid ass faces while screaming, even if it was that they were wacky alien slaves, robots, or maids. How on earth was this show made, and as an original production at that?
Posted in Love Flops | 3 Comments »
I literally was hoping for some twist to happen. Something that would recontextualize the past 22 minutes of this wad of shitty harem comedy cliches, and yet it never arrived.