Deaimon #02 — The Masked Singer
April 13th, 2022
Don't they know it's VTubers, not masks these days?
Wednesdays aren't looking great either. This episode was just dull. To its credit, it at least focused on a character and tried to sort of tell a story with her, but it was so goddamned superficial and slowly paced that it was an ordeal to get through. She secretly makes videos on the internet, and thinks that her family won't like that for… no really adequately explained reason. Because she should be doing… uh… something else? For her family? So the protagonist goes to her parents and begs them to support her and… they do. That's it. That's all the drama and conflict of the episode. What if they don't like this? Oh, they do. Well, gee. That's that resolved then. We've successfully overcome a minor bit of teenage insecurity by talking to Mom.
I had a hunch and a whim, so I checked the source, and confirmed that this was indeed a single chapter, so… about thirty pages stretched out to twenty minutes, with the results you'd expect from doing that. Again, it wasn't godawful in the way the rapist show was, but it was about as much fluff as the pointless boob show was too, just with easy listening music instead of boing noises and giant cleavage, with about the same pacing for that matter. My interest here is already pretty much dried up.
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