Heaven’s Design Team #01 — Loud Animal Fun Facts
January 7th, 2021
At least we saved the koala poop thing for a different episode.
I would say this is exactly the kind of incredibly inoffensive show advertised, but the opening is particularly loud auto-tuned bubblegum pop. Animal Fun Facts very much is its raison d'etre, and an occasional yelling of one is most of the jokes. Every now and then, something does unhinge its jaw and snap up some small cute thing, so there is that kind of joke to mix things up. Still, I think the telling point are the inter-segment portions where they cut to a power point presentation listing out some of the animal fun facts that they couldn't figure out a way to work into the conversation, like they had a list of factoids that they thought might be funny, but couldn't figure out how to work them in. Or had an extra minute or two of airtime to fill. Possibly both.
Even on that level though, it feels kind of poorly written. I know structural cohesion isn't the point or a focus, but an entire segment is on how snakes are the perfect apex predator, unstoppable in any way, and are particularly deadly to birds. The eventual surprise 'humorous' resolution to this? A bird that eats snakes. There aren't even any fun facts about the secretarybird except that it looks weird and eats snakes. It instead cuts to frogs, mentioned only in passing. It's such a weird conceit to try to make, and I don't get the impression that the weirdness of it was the point.
There's zero narrative or overtures towards characters or development like Animal Fun Facts: School Harem Edition from a couple seasons back, nor is it particularly over the top in its delivery like Animal Fun Facts: Pornographic Edition from that same season. It is a somewhat weak attempt at edutainment, if you don't mind your Wikipedia articles occasionally yelled at you.
Posted in Heaven's Design Team | 2 Comments »
The only thing that held my attention was the secretary bird. ;)