The Eighth Son!? #01 — Murdering Animals with Pedophiles
March 31st, 2020
Starting off this season right.
Pre-air thing. Actual broadcast is on Thursdays.
What in the blazing hells is this thing's opening? It's so almost comically bad on every level, from the amelodic singing to the incredibly janky CGI. And yet, it's the best part of the episode. We begin with a flashforward to see him effortlessly leveling the entire countryside. He sighs wearily at having to do that and be the envy of all men, so goes home to his harem, all apparently doing nothing but sitting around, waiting patiently so they can dutifully serve him while munching on the slimiest looking piece of meat I have ever in my life seen. It's like they were scared that if people weren't reassured that it was going to be power fantasy dreck within the first fifteen seconds of the episode, they might tune out.
At that point, we rewind and go through his origin story about… yelling out the title of the show and meeting a creepy pedophile in the woods who teaches him how to murder forest animals. Remember that magus's grandson show from a couple seasons back? It's an almost a shot for shot redo of that, and that itself was already tired at the time. Is this really something that people were clamoring for? I guess at least the godawful CGI in the opening didn't make it to the wildlife murdering part of the episode. Hooray for small victories.
Posted in Eighth Son | 1 Comment »
It looks like the generic copy #5145 of Overpowered idiot with a Cellphone.