Little Witch Academia #05 — Magical Internet Explorer
February 5th, 2017
Diana saves the day again.
After glorifying wrath, sloth, greed, and Twilight, the next deadly sin up on the list would be pride, although I suppose that's kind of an ongoing thing throughout. And Akko and Whose-Her-Face's teamup and return to status quo wasn't even really a thing in the episode. Ten seconds of cut footage and it may as well have not existed at all. The real sin of the episode though is ending around fourteen minutes in after showing a little goddamned life for once. Oh, sure, the episode kept going for another goddamned seven tortured minutes of exposition after that, but you'd be perfectly within your right to have stopped with the 'hilarious' reveal that the dragon lazes around in bathrobes in front of a bunch of computer screens. Not even magical screens or crystal balls, straight up computer screens. With a desktop. With Internet Explorer. Frankly, they probably could've gotten more mileage out of that.
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Posted in Little Witch | 7 Comments »
This time the Plot for this Episode reminds me of the game Final Fantasy 8. Yes, there you get to some point how are the real rules of the School they have, also deep down in the basement.. if my memories are correct