Chaos;Child #01 — Anti-Procedural
January 11th, 2017
Featuring the most boring dullards in the world.
Technically, this had an episode 0 too as part of a one hour broadcast. It began by literally screaming at me over stills, and then followed it up with more stills. It wouldn't be until over two minutes into the episode that there was any kind of actual animation. It was fingers on a keyboard. It was also a recap of Chaos;Head, and even if I'm about 98% certain was 'new', ain't nobody got time for 'brand new' recap, so let's just move on. And by move on, I mean more of everything I just said above. This really captured the feel of a visual novel by barely animating anything and being about 98% bores standing around delivering exposition. It's honestly like they just took the VN script, deleted things until they got to a 20 minute length, and then went ahead and used that text file for the storyboards too.
What do you call a procedural that doesn't proceed? A stagnatural? The whole thing is about maybe four or five different scenes, total. They just stand around, blathering on and on, nobody actually contributing anything until someone finds some minor detail, which is another cause to blather for 3-4 minutes. They find a couple gruesomely murdered bodies at some point, but within two minutes of anime-time, they've recovered from their shock and are right back to blathering away. Nobody has any personality or character at all. Sometimes one of them will say that someone is a specific thing, but that's not backed up by anything else. It's difficult to imagine how they could've made this any more soulless and boring, but I'm sure Japan will find a way to impress me on that front soon enough.
Posted in Anime | 1 Comment »
“This really captured the feel of a visual novel by barely animating anything and being about 98% bores standing around delivering exposition”
Lol, yea that’s probably 98% correct.