Charlotte #12 — “Remember These Characters?”
September 21st, 2015
We just did, so feel emotions about them!
I’ve discovered that the food that IÂ assumed would be edible is… not, so need to go out and get some and then turn it into something approaching dinner. I’ll get to Rokka afterward, thus completing my catch-up and ready to post bad pornography again tomorrow.
Shouldn’t this have been working its way towards some kind of finale instead of sputtering out like a fart? The very idea that “just steal everyone’s powers, that way magic powers won’t be an issue anymore and everyone will live happily ever after” would be a pretty bad setup to the start of a story, and is a truly godawful way to try to set up an ending. I don’t even know what they’re going to do with the last episode. Flash forward to Boy-Jesus being a demigod? Montage of him fighting crime and/or power-eating people who have been using their powers for good? Also, there were like, twenty people with magic powers in his neighborhood alone. That they know of. One of the first powers he picks up better be along the lines of “instantly teleport to the closest person who has a magic power with no ramifications” in the next couple years before his testicles drop and the plot enforced adulthood time limit runs out. Or, you know, finds another rewind time power. I’m pretty sure that’d be a lot more useful than his actual quest. At the very least, not another version of “blows self up” because he’s already got that power and keeps accidentally using it to nearly kill himself.
As for the rest, what rest? He sat in bed and the rest of the side characters who have been plot irrelevant ever since the plot reset itself to be different stopped by to remind us that they once existed and to do a digest version of their bits before it tried to wring some emotion out of this emotionless husk. That includes Blondie. They did not connect in any way. There is no chemistry. There was no mutual struggle. They’re barely even more than acquaintances. Granted, it’s usually the female who gets overly clingy in these ‘romances’ over a single gesture that could normally be attributed to basic human empathy, but that makes it no less eye-rollingly awful. It’s hard to even call it that. “She let me get into knife fights and go on a many week-long self-destructive binge before feeding me terrible food and making up some cockamamie platitudes about it… it’s true love forever.”
Posted in Charlotte | 4 Comments »
I guess next episode is a open ending, this is easily the worst plot twist I have seen in recent years, is like the author gave up on this, found everything boring, but instead of finishing and starting a new story, he decided to remix everything already done with some new just farted ideas and called it a day and we ended up with this abort.