Symphogear GX #03 — Cooking With Cretins
July 17th, 2015
What does Japan have against a simple improvised toga anyway?
For the record, the already late broadcast was delayed by almost another half hour, and when you get that late, things take even longer to pop up on the web since they’re pushing into the 3am+ time in Japanland when even the shirime (look it up!) are asleep.
Feh. You’re much better than this, Symphogear, and I say that very generously. Their continued attempts to layer further backstory onto the B team through flashbacks continues to baffle, as does Hibiki’s sudden newfound reluctance/inability to punch things in the face, what little action there was consisted almost entirely of things spinning, a heaping shovel full of (expected, but no less boring because of it) exposition, and then perhaps the most goddamned inexplicably thing in the entire series to date, and I’m also including them leaving Elfnein’s sex as an unknown value as a highly inexplicable thing. What the ever living goddamned hell was that muggle cooking interlude? Yeah, okay, maybe they don’t get any ‘cool’ songs since they don’t get to fight, but that’s a far cry from jamming that abomination in there. Stick to Chinese training montages.
Posted in Symphogear | 4 Comments »
Hm, what was dumber…the song or Elfnein’s gender being unknown DESPITE clearly sounding like a girl?