Who Wants a Boxed Copy of Littlewitch Romanesque?

February 5th, 2015

I also found an unopened 2012 desk calendar.

Since I slacked off this week instead of playing a 30-40 hour game for 2-3 hours to review the first 10% of it, and still don’t want to touch the carrion that has become Tokyo Ghoul with a ten foot pole, let’s do some house cleaning instead. Quite literally. You see, Jast sent me my very own limited edition copy of Littlewitch Romanesque, but alas, I am not much of a collector of material things and it’s been staring at me from a shelf, unopened and untouched, for long enough. It’s a safe bet that I never want to play the game ever again after spending many months face down in the nitty-grittiest of its filthy bowels. Also, you know, all the various shenanigans. I’m not heavily involved with the whole porting to Steam thing and I’m fairly happy that way.

But I’m not just going to give it away, so here’s what we’re going to do. The blog’s header image (among other things) is boring.
Make me a new one.
Ones if you’re feeling randy. From the existing BBA one, you can see that minimum standards are not exactly high. I’ll mail my limited edition copy of LWR to whoever’s I like the most. And they also get the dubious honor of it being at the top of the site.

Runner ups that I like (making heavy assumptions here that we’ll be reaching plural numbers here) can have, uh… early access to the as-yet unfinished (and not currently being worked on by anybody) Bunny Black patch, I guess? Admittedly, that’s probably more of a punishment than a prize, but maybe you can barter that to someone else for something more fun. Like being slapped in the face with a bologna sandwich. I may chuck them into some kind of daily/weekly random rotation as well.

Things I like:
950 x 120 images that fit the site’s (dark) theme, including the static(ish) navigation tabs at top
Sprites/Pixel art
Games I’ve translated or otherwise like
Being finished about a week from now (let’s say Friday the 13th)
Not being bombarded with genitalia
Not mailing girl-Harry Potter’s sexual adventures across oceans to places where its legal status is questionable at best
Images e-mailed to webmaster@seiha.org (also how I’ll get back in touch)

Things that may be useful (No, I won’t help you use them):
Tool for extracting Werk sprites
Tool for extracting Alicesoft/Softhouse Chara sprites
Tool for extracting Eushully sprites
Tool for extracting Giga sprites
Various pixel art collections

Things I am ambivalent about:
Copyright violation for image usage on the internet
Unrelated videos for transition purposes

Unless there’s significant complaint, I’m planning on removing the css switcher. Well, I’ve planned on that for years. It doesn’t seem particularly used to begin with judging by the data. I like the dark background. It’s nice for images. I’m not a great fan of the giganto list that the sidebar has become, but I don’t really know that I’ve got anything else to stick there either. And drop down lists are stupid. Ctrl-F, mofos. Then again, the left side of the screen always looks empty to me whenever I move away from my little laptop. Maybe the whole site needs an overhaul. Buuut every time I think that, I remember that I’m eternally behind on where I wanted to be for translating for the week and go do that instead. Such is life.

If you have any usability type requests, this would be a good time to make them while I’m thinking about tweaking things. I know there were some things the blog had in the past (editing comments for example) that ended up going by the wayside as I was cleaning up memory issues and the like. I can see to looking into re-activating/implementing them. Or fixing things if they’re broken, but eesh. It’s a bloody blog. How broken can it be? Famous last words. I’ll think of a something or two better to do next week. …Probably.

Posted in Romanesque | 14 Comments »

14 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • ZakuAbumi says:

    You could also publish a post showing all the other entries, how about that? I’m sure that would boost this entire thing by at least 1% and you’d have a filler for this season full of things you don’t want to cover.

    Smart me.

  • Sanjuro says:

    I’ve always used the bright white Galaxy Angel theme. I like me some Galaxy Angels. I’m pure like that. I would definitely use a Oyari loli butt one though.

    That Tokyo Ghoul carcass was heavily blurred this week. It’s even worse than the normal beams of light somehow. I think they’re saying violence is only as bad as genitals now.

    • Aroduc says:


      Maybe I can just switch it to a toggleable button or something then just between one light and one dark. The blue one’s dumb. Once, I envisioned quite a few more, but, eh. Time. And it’s sort of a wacky thing to do/upkeep anyway.

  • algorithm says:

    Seems like TG had animation budget for action sequences this week. At least for 30 seconds, won’t gamble with the rest.

  • Yue says:

    I have three days free starting today. I’ll see what I can come up with. Please don’t hate me if my drawing skills are bad. T_T

  • Rz says:

    That unfinished Bunny Black patch.
    Do you plan to finish it? or It’ll stay as unfinished project forever?

    • Aroduc says:

      Eventually. It’s not a high priority at the moment though. Probably once I finish the stuff I’m working on now in a couple months unless someone’s going to step up and do the rest of the image work so I don’t have to. It’s certainly playable in English (one editor has gone through it, start to finish), just in need of more regular editing, gameplay context editing, text overflow tweaking, etc. Also, a bunch of menus have fancy headers against a gem-styled background that’s difficult to clean the text off of so I haven’t yet. That and the gallery with their 50 odd double buttons for every single bloody individual song.

      I don’t particularly like the game anyway, but like TWINS, it appeared short and simple, and was the logical thing to do en route to what I did want to do.

      While true for the script, the rest of it was a monstrous quagmire.

  • Kadi says:

    To complete miss the point:
    What’s there to be ambivalent about about the video? It’s generic at best and noise at worst.

    As far as Eushully OPs are concerned, I’m still partial for the Meishoku no Reiki one, but the rest of the game is…