Tits Boing Squid #04 — Ass

July 29th, 2014


Very ass.


I was originally just going to use this as an excuse to remark on how godawful HanaOu’s oft-delayed trial ended up being, truly stretching the definition of a ‘strategy’ game in ways not before seen, but I think this episode apparently gave that awfulness a run for its money. Fourth episode and it already busted out the entire cliche closet. Beach episode, swimsuits, ink splatters, and tentacles. And even recycled a transformation. The only thing missing was a sea cucumber ejaculating in their faces. The scent of desperation hangs heavy on this fetid pile of dead fish. Farewell, fruit. It was an unpleasant month.


Posted in Anime | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Shadow says:

    A waste of time

  • Mesousa2877 says:

    The bigger problem was, why wasn’t the bird’s human form tentacle’d?

    The squid just…plain didn’t go for her. Surprisingly, that was the most annoying thing of this episode.

    Also, blue haired…androgynous boy/girl is a trap…maybe. How random.

  • Dave Baranyi says:

    I’ll give you full points for having lasted as long as you did.

  • Sporklord says:


    I think its the vapid smile that really sells this one.

  • Fate says:

    So bad…

  • algorithm says:

    Absolutely delicious.

  • The Phantom says:

    YOU KNEW since the beginning that this was a tits show, stop complaining mid-game that you did not want this. You reap what you sow.