Witchcraft Works #02 — Tactical Espionage Action

January 12th, 2014


I don’t think it’s working, Snake.

Edit: Buddy Complex’s second episode was easily more competent than this overall, especially in the animation department, and didn’t have any footraces vs robots, but the only time it made me chuckle was when the male leads coupled, resulting Aoba having a vision of skydiving (which turned into water which turned into Dio) while a bridge bunny yelled “First Proposing!” There’s a good chance the show is not-so-secretly about gay marriage rights. I also worry what Second Proposing could be.


You know, if not for the leads, I think I could really like this show, which given how horrible they are is kind of like saying “If not for the maggots, I could really enjoy this sandwich.” I wouldn’t exactly say that I watched this episode, as it began with Crapface recapping the first episode to himself and I responded by skipping ahead to where things were being set on fire and someone was having their neck chewed on, although it was unclear who because magic. Once everyone was finished being exploded, it was time for a maid cafe and a daaaaaaaate slash more infodumping and I ‘watched’ most of the middle from an entirely different room as I made myself something to eat.

Then some random girl, an antagonist apparently, backhanded a little lost crying child just for giggles and the show made me laugh for the first time. That whole segment was kind of surreal given everything else this show does. Almost no exposition whatsoever or anybody announcing what was going on. Just JC Staff overanimating some extremely brief transformation sequences, hilariously ineffective guns (they must be magical, so she’s not technically Gun-Haver), and people getting blown up. And this was the second half-assed action scene of the episode too! Oh god. Is that how low my expectations were?

In any case, it was an unexpectedly enjoyable six minute episode. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Next Episode:

If you’re reading this, then I’ve forgotten to change the template.

Posted in Anime | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Fate says:

    Are you going to post more about buddy complex episode 2?

  • Dave Baranyi says:

    The manga only gets duller and duller, so I’ve going to wish you the best with following this p.o.s., but I’m sure not going to watch more.

  • Goldi says:

    Only good thing this manga had going on was all the beautiful scenery and art, now that JC staff shat all over it, there’s really not much left.

    Also transformation surprisingly cool.

  • Longing says:

    Wait… how did she catch bullets that clearly ricocheted off her back? And why was she damsel-carrying the guy that suffered no damage at the end?

  • Longhaul says:

    So yeah, that was much better than the first episode.