Symphogear G #03 — Ow, My Budget
July 18th, 2013
The honeymoon couldn’t last forever.
Belated Edit:
As Aroduc wonders where KKK is, he forgets that it’s off this week. Apparently the Going Home Club went home. It’ll be back at its usual time on the 25th.
Wow. Sure going from strength to strength there in the opening. First a two minute recap, then the OP, then another minute and a half straight of recycled footage and stills of mostly a face with voice over. I think the entire first seven minutes could have been animated in an afternoon by an intern. Perhaps it was. There was even this really bizarre CG zoom in. And that wasn’t even the end of the flashbacks. That was just about where the shower scene began so everyone else decided to come in to work, forgetting that the breasts were just going to have white steam badly sprayed over them in post production.
At least it picked up a bit in the very end… albeit not until after another four minutes or so of Kurisu and Tsubasa making damnable paper chains or something because yay high school! …And hopefully next episode should begin a bit more exciting. I’m a little surprised that they already revealed Captain Crazy Eyes as a bad guy already. I had thought they’d be saving him for the last boss since rival magical girls always need a male (or mother) figure to team up against as the true evil. Regenerating Noise and Not-Noise-Trained-Attack-Dogs-That-Sort-Of-Look-Like-Noise aren’t exactly the thrilling development that the show seems to think though, especially not with Girl-Warachia and crowd running around. It kind of reminds me of a bad Power Rangers new-season development where all the faceless mooks they use for cardio before the real battles are now inexplicably invincible, requiring the new power of the Dinosaur Watches or something.
Anyway, crappy, really really cheap episode for the first 16 minutes or so, but they’ve earned a little leeway after the first two and did try to keep it exciting and get things going again toward the end. Which is about four minutes more progress than I can say for the last two episodes of certain other Thursday shows. Let’s not make a habit of this though, eh?
Posted in Symphogear | 12 Comments »
I am unimpressed (bells ring out across the land).