Yada Yada Not Popular #02 — Naked Fantasies

July 15th, 2013


Frankly, I blame Canada for my computer issues.

Oh hey. Look who can finally goddamned upload images again. I hope the wait was worth it. Hint: it wasn’t. Now I just need to get my new computer cleansed of all the pre-installed garbage. It’s already thrown up twice when I tried to remove such filth.


Still not feeling it, making me lean more and more toward the plan of "Play random awful game’s trial for an hour or two. Write up a rant on how poor it is and put my HCI education to use by making fun of game design created by two to three Japanese porn artists and their put upon programmer friend. Too much internal monologue with "makes a face," as the inevitable punchline almost every time. Nor am I particularly sure what they were trying to do with that last bit. Here’s this girl who did everything Whose-Her-Face wants to do and they still get along perfectly well. Just for that bad punchline? And after some awful attempts at tugging on the heartstrings too. I don’t even remember the first half already. Looking at my own screenshots barely stirs my memory. I’d think I slept through it, but I distinctly remember wondering multiple times if it was over yet.


Posted in Anime | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • UltimaLuminaire says:

    As someone who tried to read up to the current fan translated chapter of the comic, the plot will offer nothing. There is no actual character arc hidden in the sea of bad punch lines, no success for the MC no matter what she does, right or wrong, and the writing never actually knows what it’s trying to accomplish beyond the one trick pony of appealing to an audience that see their middle/high school selves in this girl. Unless you get some kind of cathartic feeling watching the MC get smacked in the mouth by the author at every turn, there’s no excusing how boring everything is. I can’t see you liking this show regardless of how far it gets, but you’ve surprised me before.

  • Anonymous says:

    “Play random awful game’s trial for an hour or two. Write up a rant on how poor it is …”


    If they are recent (this month) eroges then +2