Mushi Uta #03 — The Resistance
July 19th, 2007
Sorry kiddo, you’re fucked.
I really despise Daisuke’s MIB organization. They’re entirely too much lame comic relief for me to take them seriously as antiheros or villains or whatever they’re supposed to be. A shitload of development for Rina this episode though as we learn that she’s part of the ‘pro’ Mushi group, or at least the group not for the wholesale slaughter of the bugs.
We pick up from where we were last week, with Shiika calling Daisuke and telling him that she’ll meet him tomorrow. The girl on top of the phone booth smiles evilly and repeats their meeting location.
At school, Daisuke is thinking about how Shiika sounded like she was crying and is totally oblivious to his classmates trying to question him about what he was doing with Shiika. Tachibana plays the normal tsundere role and slaps him around a bit but the rest of them mostly just want to meddle.
A quick look over at Daisuke’s (I think) group for some bizarre comic relief ends with the shutterbug’s cellphone captured as things move towards to the discussion of the monsters rumored to be roaming the city. Daisuke says that they’re monsters and scary, which sets off Rina who storms out as the bell rings.
A bit later, Daisuke is at the park to meet Shiika. He asks her what she wants to do today.
Back at school, Rina is giving out instructions to a rough looking gang of relative miscreatants. It comes out pretty quickly that they’re heavily involved with the Mushi, as one even calls another “Mosquito-chan.” Rina says that’s enough and they all leave but one guy, who stays and tries to talk to Rina. He tells her that he’s trying to protect her, but she leaves. He then looks up and sees a giant centipede in front of him. He yells at it, but it doesn’t respond, then vanishes.
Rin and the guy are at the same park where Shiika and Daisuke met and she picks up a Sentai show ticket that a child dropped and hands it back to him. Not coincidentally, Shiika and Daisuke see that show from their restaurant nearby and head over to check it out. Our spy is watching over them from nearby as a balloon saleswoman, until some kid asks for a balloon and she lets them all go. Shiika starts to tell Daisuke about her birthday and the ribbon that she got from her sister.
The MIB are busy deploying around the park, stopping people that go in and out and setting up barricades. Shiika and Daisuke are looking out over the sea when they hear an intercom broadcast. Shiika thinks that they’re looking for her while Daisuke wonders aloud what it’s about. She looks over at him and sees energy gathering behind his neck, so she pushes him down and then runs away.
Our phonebooth percher is sitting on a streetlight this time, speaking through the intercom, when an insect flies off a balloon and it pops. The child cries as an aura appears and a giant bee forms behind her. All the Mushi users ing the park suddenly sense this. The bee is somewhat out of control though and starts attacking everybody nearby.
Rina is the first to the scene, picks up the girl and takes off running. Daisuke is still looking for Shiika, when the percher drops in front of him. He says “I thought it was you,” but she tells him to stay out of the way then disappears. He gets a phone call from the MIB/his boss and he demands to know what’s going on, but they tell him there’s a situation and to deal with it.
Rina’s friend is looking for her when a beetle with a goggled man from the organization flies overhead. He takes cover behind a statue before putting on a terrible mask and summoning his Mushi. He tries to order it to attack, but it refuses to move. The goggled man tells him that it’s useless and simply walks off while his centepede’s eyes glow and it looks at the poor kid.
Daisuke gets a short “dressing up” montage as he goes into goggled badass mode. Sorry Shiika, no loving for you today. Rina is still hiding with the little girl, keeping her quiet, while the rest of her group is hiding and trying to think of how to get out of this. They’re about to be discovered, when Rina bludgeons the guards with a giant ice cream cone.
They run off, and the little kid says that she wants to go back to her mother and sister, but Rina doesn’t let her. She tells the kid that she’s the one to protect her now. The kid pulls away and takes off and one of Rina’s friends gives chase.
The friend is meanwhile starting to lose his mind. He knocks his mask off, revealing a picture of Rina and the group. Shiika is also having her own issues. She thinks that it’s her fault and summons her tiny Mushi as well. She doesn’t notice the percher’s Mushi fly past her and land on her shoulder right beyond her. Just then, the friend that was chasing the girl falls out of the bushes between the two.
The girl is calling for her mother when she sees another balloon in a tree. She can’t reach it, but Daisuke appears behind her and takes it down for her. He figures out that she’s the Mushi user as her bee appears and attacks him. Just as he’s about to fire, Rina yells at him to stop. He kills the bee, and the girl falls to the ground, lifeless.
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