Project Code Name: Wolfram Maraschino Karate Bugle
May 2nd, 2013
I think that might be the subtitle of the next Rainbow Six game.
Where the future lies. I wrote a lot more here about this (and in the previous post about everything else), so am kind of all written out about this for a while.
Whatever happens at this point, happens. C’est la vie. I don’t plan on saying anything more about it here for at least a couple weeks and I imagine the end result will either be depressing or elating with no middle ground. Go tell your friends and family. Or make chocolate marshmallow fondue. That stuff is bloody amazing.
And let this be a lesson to anybody trusting a Canadian bearing what it claims to be inside information about my clandestine affairs.
Edit: Well, I guess that’s the end of that. I’ll figure the rest out later.
Posted in Romanesque | 47 Comments »
Well I hope this project will go well. Interesting choice btw, I love the artist.
It’s nice to see that it took form and I wish you luck with it… as you’ll probably need some.
Didn’t even know you were working on Seinarukana for JAST, that’s also a very pleasant news.