Samurai Bride #02 — Animal Kingdom
April 12th, 2013
First time in forever Naoe was terrible enough to actually be sort of amusing.
So much for the plot going anywhere. At least it was sort of semi-servicable comedy instead. Or maybe the puns were just bad enough, especially all the Naoe dog stuff. At least once it got past the rather disturbing beginning where they were sniffing crotches to track panty thieves. And for whatever bizarre reason, the budget somehow got a bump upward. I’m… really trying not to think about what that might mean in terms of their production schedule. Anyway, just kind of a nonsense episode centered around a new character, the monkey slash monkey girl Sasuke, also a rival to Naoe in being useless (who they immediately whore out the moment she turns into a girl) and tacked onto the show because someone somewhere thought it wasn’t a joke enough.
Fridays, you are terrible.
Posted in Samurai Girls | 7 Comments »
Hey… why is Munawhatever not being able to hold a sword a problem anyway? He never HAS!