Symphogear #12 — “Quick! Form The Human Pyramid!”
March 23rd, 2012
Your writing has taken a hit in the second half, Symphogear.
So here we have Hibiki going completely berserk because of Gungnir jammed in her heart, Tsubasa (supposedly) sacrificing herself to bring her back and destroy the tower, and then Phine going berserk because of that… and at the same time, it’s super important that all the normal students hiding in a bunker overcome their fear so that they can work together and form a human pyramid to flip a switch. Seriously? Seriously!? The episode was going relatively well up to that point. Sure, I never really bought that Tsubasa and Kurisu were actually dead from off-screen explosions, but "We’ve gotta flip this switch! And nobody’s got a stick long enough to do it! Now let’s all sing the song of friendship to Hibiki" Who thought this was a good idea? The mind boggles. And if that terrible character talks about this not being an anime one more time, I will throttle her.
Leaving aside the incomprehensible stupidity that mostly dominated the second half, the first half was solid at least. Nothing particularly interesting to say besides Hibiki just going berserk at various things in some underanimated attacks, but compared to what no doubt awaits me in Shana, I’m not going to complain too much. I still don’t really want to think about Phine or her motivations too hard or it’ll probably give me an aneurysm. At least she did proper crazy rage for her plans being ruined while Hibiki was in shock. At least the insert at the end when Hibiki used aforementioned friendship power to shout "Symphogear" with the extended OP playing and revive the other two in special new Ultra Special Supreme white symphogear costumes made me smile. Cheesy as hell, no argument there, but after "gotta flip that switch!" it was a good way to end the episode.
Posted in Symphogear | 7 Comments »
the music in this episode was as good as Chris’s songs and the short celtic music bit