Carnival Phantasm #11-12 — WARNING!! WARNING!!
December 31st, 2011
Poor Sacchin’s doesn’t even have enough presence to be forgotten.
Poor Lancer. Gets a special ED (of only text, so I didn’t bother ripping it), but not a good segment. He relived all of his previous CP deaths in a kind of Final Destination-esque fashion, but this time managed to avoid them all before being killed by Miyako’s deflected volleyball attack through the rocket way back in episode 2. It was very… budget friendly, I guess, but there weren’t too many decent jokes or funny escapes. Him befriending Saber-lion before it ate him was the only one that was actually funny in any real way.
The last bit was the great harem plan from back in episode 4 I believe. Shiki screwed his up from the start by not waking up at 4 am to get things rolling with Kohaku, but Shirou was (barely) holding his together until Ilya messed it up. I wish they had used Satsuki (or Miyako/Len I guess…) for Shiki’s forgotten girl though because Akiha was far too obvious and I spent most of the early bits just waiting for that joke. And poor Sacchin didn’t even get a nod in that entire segment. Isn’t it sad?
All in all, it’s been a fun ride with a few hiccups along the way, like that really really awkward Sakura soap opera segment. I would have preferred much more Tsukihime/Melty Blood stuff, but alas, it was apparently not meant to be. Hopefully Taiga’s pleas will be answered and there will be more of it, but right now, it looks like the end. Definitely check it out if you have even a passing like for Type-Moon’s stuff because overall it’s eneretic slapstick and parody, something you see precious little of in anime.
Posted in Carnival Phantasm | 8 Comments »
if they do wind up making any more, the Shiki taking Sion to a fesitval or drunk butt groping Arc bits need to be adapted