Princess Lessons #01 — Letterboxing Means Drama

January 5th, 2025


Expert level directing here.

Sorry these are delayed. ISP people at house this morning since the TV signal has been steadily falling apart over the last month, which took an expected 1 hour appointment to about 4 hours of universal downtime, and I'm not wild on trying to upload/type these things on my phone.


The characterization in this show is wild and I can't help but feel like large portions of the show would be drastically improved if large segments were completely cut out. It can't seem to make up its mind what her personality is. Starts out as precious child, then shrinking violet who can't handle even a stern talking to, then beaten down and broken by a stern headmistress over ten years, but is actually a spunky rebellious teenager complete with flashback to how the previous stuff was all a complete facade and she was never beaten down at all and was constantly acting out and venting at her family and own servants the entire time while plotting to run away, but not, you know, actually doing anything at any point. So whichever of her half dozen personalities/backstories you might want to like, they're undercut by the rest.

It's also difficult to dredge up much sympathy for her when her big oppression is a slightly stern headmistress teaching her basic etiquette. And not even particularly harshly. Not to say it couldn't be traumatizing, but as far as abusive anime enviroments about the suffering of the rich, this is . If the main character has no charisma, the whole show's going to struggle to get anywhere, no matter the genre, but especially in one like this where there's nothing but the main character and a premise that's been rehashed a hundred thousand times at this point. Not a villainess for… I can't even say for once because it's only the thousandth time that's been the case… so, okay, I guess not really any different at all. 


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